Candy Hearts – All The Ways You Let Me Down (LP)
New Jersey/New York pop punk trio (a hotbed for the genre, if you didn’t know), Candy Hearts – currently on Warped Tour – give a bit off a mixed vibe of Best Coast and Tacocat (aren’t palindromes fun?!). In 2012 they teamed up with mega punk producer and legend in his own right, Chad Gilbert (also the better half of Hayley Williams if you didn’t know… but like, you’re the last to know) to record an EP, enjoyed it so much they kept him on for their most recent full-length “All The Ways You Let Me Down.” Their previous LP also had a great title: “Everything’s Amazing & Nobody’s Happy.” #Classic emo title. They claim all their songs are true stories, and “I Miss You” was voted one of the Best Songs of 2014 by Spin Magazine. Yay! Another reason why they rock, they also love Taylor Swift.
What would you say Feli Says..? #wwfs