N I M M O – Jaded
Every time I sit down to write the subject line always seems to read: love. Often it is about lost love, forgotten love or simply love that never became love. This got me thinking… those who know me by my writing must believe me to be sorry and sunken, always down on my luck. But the truth is I’m not. What I am is a romantic, and I love love… all of it. I find beauty in the coldness of heartbreak just as I find it in the warmth of the butterflies.
Another thing is, I am full of emotion. Not to say my feelings are always sitting at the tip of my tongue, ready to roll off. I run around living my life and when I decide to sit down for a moment of calm, my thoughts catch up and I can’t help but release them onto a page. And music is always that pulsating force pushing my pen a little harder and forcing me to dig a little deeper.
Long story short, I have always loved writing. But I never thought anything of it… never thought to share my words, I imagined very few would have an interest in reading. But that changed when I nervously agreed to give blogging a whirl. And make note, blogging is terrifying. I felt, and still feel, very vulnerable each time I press publish on a post. Sometimes I think I’ll stop but I never do. Because I’ve decided for me to stop writing, I would have to stop feeling. And allowing myself to feel is something I will never give up.
This afternoon’s monologue was fueled by the sounds of smart and emotionally literate pop duo, Nimmo. The beat is cool and the rhythm feels fine. Their mystic and deep vocal tones match their jaded and unamused lyrics. Their song is sung with force, and you feel their spirit and energy with each breath in and drag out. Sarah Nimmo and Reva Gauntlett got perfect parts of dark seduction and light artiness to create infectious, catchy as hell disco pop.