Nimino – Milo Evans
Milo Evans [pseudonym] nimino
Nimino is on the brink of a tumultuous adventure of sleepless nights and symbiotic artistry survival. Nimino transitions the crux of a night into dreamlike dawn with his smooth decrescendos and soulful influences. An emerging artist from Brighton, UK, Milo Evans transfixes crowds with his fluctuating rhythm ensuring a fluid denouement of the night’s antics. Milo’s youth is riddled with the heavy influence of the dubstep scene in Brighton; a mecca where dubstep fans could transcend the barriers of life through a jolt of music and a slap of salt air. He takes a softer approach to the electronic hub that had emerged, creating soft ambient tunes to sooth the soul’s transition before emerging into the salty sunshine.
I am always struck by an artist with a calling. Passion is a devil that strikes inopportunely, yet a calling shines through the face of aversion, failure, and perseverance. Milo has graced the stage since 14, his artistry will remember his innovation in the face of a jarred musical scene, introducing soothing ambients to a future of listeners.
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Huffington Post: Artist of the week