PUP puns are pawful
So PUP is a pretty cool band from Toronto. The four childhood friends originally named their band Topanga – yes, like THAT Topanga. They named their band after Boy Meets World… smh – but ended up changing it when they found out Disney was rebooting the franchise (some things should stay dead). Stefan Babcock, vocals and guitar for PUP, and yes, his real name, said his grandma used to tell him he was a “Pathetic Use of Potential”… and voila, PUP. Ugh, aren’t grandmas just the best? Inspiring us to be all we can be. Telling us to eat something, that we look hungry, then telling us we look fat. Not “are” fat. “Look” fat. Way worse. Where are my great grandkids? Why can’t you find someone nice? Are you EVER gonna settle down? Why haven’t you come visit me? You must not love me very much. Have you met my hair dresser’s granddaughter? She’s a little young for you right now, but in a few years she’ll be in college and just the right age for you to scoop her up. Thanks Nana. It seems Stefan really wanted to stick it to his grandma cuz his band’s new album The Dream Is Over is tight. Not only that, but the video they made for the track “DVP” is truly killer for anyone who played video games in the 80s and 90s. They play Music Hall of Williamsburg Sat. June 25.
That’s all Feli has to Say about grandmas