Strange Babes – Come Back Around
LA via Auckland based Strange Babes premiered their second masterpiece last week on Hilly Dilly. Strong beach vibes in this one are a tremendous mental respite from the coldest winter in NYC history. Hang in there folks. Winter’s almost over! For best results follow Strange Babes on Facebook.
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‘Since the release of their first single Holiday, Strange Babes have swum towards warmer waters with their new track ‘Come Back Around’, which unlike Holiday, was composed in the enveloping rays of the California Coastal sun. ‘Holding onto the good times that we’ve had, doesn’t seem to bring the good times back’, pokes at the harsh reality of a relationship turned long-winded, pushing a necessary reflection on what it really means to ‘get it right’. In seeking out a fresh complexion, may this track burn away all blisters’.