The Aston Shuffle – Tear it Down (SAFIA Remix)
Saturdays are weird. They allow me to explore the things I can’t get to during the week. I find all kinds of amazing things that otherwise would get left out of this beautiful life. So here I am, getting all kinds of emotional today. I think I finally have cleared the haze that is the post SXSW blues and now I’m sitting here reliving so many of the moments that we helped to create. I’m blown away by what we were able to accomplish this year at The Yard. If you were there, then you know the magic that happened. If you weren’t, my heart legitimately goes out to you. In the past few days I’ve been reviewing photos from the show, listening to the bands that were there and just making sure that I will never ever forget what happened down there in Austin. It’s a truly special experience to be so passionate about something and to see that passion play out before your eyes. The friendships that are made, the memories and just the love down there is unforgettable. Please go sometime. You owe it to yourself. If you ever want to know what we’re truly all about, come join us next year at our Southby event. I’m sure it will be amazing.
So anyway, sorry for rambling. Let’s get down to business. I am so high on SAFIA I can’t help it. They have played two of our shows and I’d argue they are one of the best unsigned acts in the world right now. They are simply electric to see live. Goosebumps. The whole time. The talent and raw emotion just chokes me up. Listen to this song and just let it take you away. Is it a remix? Yes. Did they perform it live? Yes. Did I cry? Yeah I cried and I’m kind of crying now.
Photo Credit: Ryan Evon Photography