[VIDEO PREMIERE] Grave Pool – Neon Summers
You want to grab my attention? Here’s a fool proof way. Give me a video with whirling synths and Lost Boys footage. I’ll be yours forever. Nashville based dream-pop project Grave Pool has done just that and released their sophomore LP Mnemonics via Chicago-based imprint, 80s Ladies Records. Grave Pool’s music calls to mind the days when women’s bathing suits were high waisted and Fast Times at Ridgemont High was the dream. Devan Kochersperger, the former frontman of Swiss Alps single-handedly wrote, produced and recorded all songs on the new LP. The name “Grave Pool” was inspired by the dangerous attraction at New Jersey’s Action Park; which is just a fantastic nod to history. I love the vibe that Devan is cultivating here. Takes me back to a time and a place when all that mattered was getting the girl. I can’t wait to hear what’s next. Be on the lookout.