Daniel Wilson – Proofread
My measly words will never be enough to paint the full picture of how deep this song resonates within me — it is insurmountable, really. But my phrases are all I’ve got, so I’ll give it my best shot. This track renders me helpless, I completely lose self-control. I stop everything to just be with the sounds, the words… the music. And I say that with complete honesty, without one ounce of dramatization or sarcasm. The power of Daniel Wilson supercharges me into an emotional nirvana: where the haze of heartache is lifted, where I understand that love can and should be effortless. I’m inspired to stop fighting for things that never were mine, and motivated to open my eyes to those that always have been.
Even more, I first found Daniel’s voice — that of a born-and-raised Detroit boy — on the most majestically rainy day down in Austin, TX during SXSW on the Mostly Junk Food x Fancy PR stage. That day was life-changing for reasons more than one, but finding him and this song certainly fits that bill. There is nearly no reason for me to dissect his breathtakingly ingenuous lyrics because… well, they speak for themselves. So below, I give to you my best visual representation of his genius. From me to you.
As you listen, I ask you to really do just that — just listen.