
Lilac Pin – Come Inside

A post for this talented Scottish duo is long overdue. Lilac Pin unveiled their sophomore release, “Come Inside,” about a month ago and it is a killer. The Glaswegian duo have spent the past year in the studio, working to create their debut album. This track is only one result of many studio sessions.

This shadowy and emotional track stems from something much greater than a simple song. Singer April May explains that “the concept of ‘Come Inside’ was to embody Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and create a modern parallel world that exists alongside her time.” She continues with “a relationship is sculpted through the traits and time spent between two people, with those two beings sharing everything they have to give. “Come Inside” is an expression of that idea.” 

“Come Inside” is multi-dimensional and powerful, blending several genres of music into a masterful track. Take a listen below.


Chelsea Dankner
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