Prinze George-Speed Demon
Thanksgiving Eve is normally the biggest going out night of the entire year. It’s a night to reminisce with your high school pals/friends from home that you never see and finally let loose, make some bad decisions (which usually include too many shots of fireball) and ensure that you wake up in the morning with a ridiculous hangover. Or so I’m told. I opt for going to bed early so that I can wake up refreshed and run in the annual 5k Turkey Trot my sister always sneakily signs us up for (I do it for the free t-shirt, let’s be real). I say this not because I’m a person who hates having fun, it’s more so because I go out on the reg and don’t need to use a holiday as an excuse to PARTY. I use it as a small vacation from the typical madness.
For those of us who like to treat every night like it’s Thanksgiving Eve, Prinze George‘s new single, “Speed Demon” featuring ESHOVO is a cautionary tale that we may want to heed. As told to The Fader, the song, “is a metaphor for some friends we grew up with who keep getting older and are up to the same old tricks.” See? The PG County, Maryland 3 piece just wants you to know that perhaps you need to stop living so hard. You’re getting older yet still not slowing down your crazy ways. In the song, Naomi Almquist’s mesmerizing voice sings,”when you’re misbehaving/drop…the act.” You may want to take this advice into consideration the next time you’re at the bar contemplating some reckless life choices.
Listen to the song below and stay safe tonight friends!