San Fermin – Sonsick (Magic Man Remix) + (Vacationer Remix)
San Fermin, the work of Brooklyn composer and songwriter Ellis Ludwig-Leone, released the excellent single Sonsick at the very end of last year. This elegant track described by Ellis as “… a panic attack disguised as a birthday party,” has been making the playlist rounds since then and been roundly applauded from all quarters.
Over the last several months a couple of remixes have lent new flavor and direction to this already amazing song. TMD favorites Magic Man and Vacationer have each brought their particular talents to remaking this track and have come through with flying colors. Magic Man weaves in a synth-o-licious sound while Vacationer brings their own unique take to the wonderful Sonsick building blocks. I think you’ll enjoy both of their efforts, but we’d like to hear from YOU, which one is your favorite!
Damn. The Magic Man remix at 2:40 gets VERY real. So good!
Haha, I am digging on the Vacationer remix right now. It’s hard to top that free download action that the Magic Man is throwing around though. Inserting into a playlist as we speak!