Wonderful Humans – Just What I Needed
I’ll never stop falling mesmerized by musicians who double as soulmates because I’ll never stop appreciating that special spark and whimsical flare that touches their words, their notes and their songs. I’ve found this in duo Brian Cag and Amanda Carl of Wonderful Humans. After first crossing paths in the fall of 2011, their true magic began when more than just a significant other was found in one another. Together they create articulate and beautifully embellished pop with infectious melodies and a robust tropical flavor.
In their newest release, I am as impressed by their addictive sound as I am by the beautiful storyline it laminates. So, I asked Brian and Amanda to jot down the lyrics and send them our way… reading the intimate lines, I can’t help but feel like a page was ripped from an old journal or diary. Brilliantly poetic, Wonderful Humans prove they are much more than their music.
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