SURPRISE! It’s the TMD: Life is Good Mixtape
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July 25, 2013
Cause why not? Life is pretty good right now. And if we’re being honest with each other, I just couldn’t wait until August 1st to put out another new mixtape. So we’ve got a new series of mixtapes going. This is some more down tempo stuff that might not be able to find a home otherwise. It’s a mix of old and new, stuff that slipped between the cracks and otherwise has been overlooked.
This of all the playlists I’ve ever made is built for poolsides and surf sides. It’s built for the golden hour of the day, right before the sun crosses the horizon. When every thing is alright; when life is good.
The kid just couldnt wait 6 more days
Truth. I have been itching to put this out. Can ya blame me?
Your description is poetic as feck, man. You should write a music blog or summat
Also how is Say Lou Lou so dang remixable??? Every single one is just unreal…
Is it weird that this mix just makes me want to drink wine and prepare dinnner?