
Max’s Top 14 of 2014

No winners, no losers, just the 14 sounds of 2014 that make me smile the most.  They are in order from the least number of Soundcloud streams to the most.  And yes, one may have blatantly came out in Dec 2013, but too late to make last...

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In-Flight Safety – Caution Horses

[Photo Credit: Meghan Tansey Whitton] After releasing the instantly catchy “Animals” last month, Nova Scotia based In-Flight Safety is back with a powerfully passionate follow-up track. A departure from their stadium-ready anthem “Animals”, “Caution Horses” is an introspective ballad that weaves it’s way through your brain...

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[VIDEO] In-Flight Safety – Animals

A couple of weeks ago, we introduced you to In-Flight Safety and the soaring single off their third album. Now we're back to get a little context on where that song came from with a gorgeously laid out lyric video. A few words from front...

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In-Flight Safety – Animals

If you're not familiar yet, it's time to get real cozy with In-Flight Safety. Consisting of vocalist, guitarist John Mullane and drummer Glen Nicholson and hailing from Halifax, Nova Scotia, they've come back after a brief hiatus stronger than ever. The Canadian indie rock...

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