TMD Presents: Mostly Music | Oct 16th @ CMJ
That’s right! CMJ is a month out and TMD’s annual Showcase at Knitting Factory will be where it’s at Friday night. I must say, we had an especially fun time booking this one, taking full advantage of an amazing pool of Aussie talent that so gracefully descends upon our city each October. Sprinkle in two US acts with outrageous buzz and we’ve got you a party-of-the-week candidate right off the bat. Friends, laughs, drinks, food…but Mostly Music. Artwork by Rich Abad.
Friday October 16, 2015
Knitting Factory
9pm | $10adv/$12dos
*Badges free subject to capacity
SAFIA (AUS): facebook.com/safiamusic
POWERS (NYC + LA): facebook.com/givemepowers
TORA (AUS): facebook.com/Toramusic
SPIRIT ANIMAL (NYC): facebook.com/SpiritAnimalUS
CROOKED COLOURS (AUS): facebook.com/crookedcolours
NORTHEAST PARTY HOUSE (AUS): facebook.com/northeastpartyhouse
GRAND ATRIUM (NYC): facebook.com/grandatrium