Baby Baby will (not) Teach You How To Dance
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October 30, 2015
ATL funrockers and previously featured all-around awesome duders, Baby Baby, are at it again. They dropped a split EP this summer with this little gem on it, a follow-up to their solid full-length “Big Boy Baller Club” – a club, not unlike Soho House, that I am still waiting to gain admission to (why won’t Big Boy Baller Club respond to my emails? Where in ME do they not see BBBC? Does this mean I am neither a “Big Boy” nor a “Baller”? Or maybe they called my references and heard I don’t play well in “Clubs”? Or maybe I’m not “Club material”?). During an ubes successful first Warped Tour this summer, they got super weird, made buddies with Neck Deep (jelly!) and released this video – even though it has nothing to do with dancing, so idk… I don’t get it.
Feli Says come back and play nyc please…