Moon Walkers – Charmé[d] to meet ya.
I present to you, Moon Walkers for some 2016 charmé[d] (tenses: ing, s, ed) listening. The name comes from what I can envision would be the perfect (not to everyone) playlist for my first walk on the moon. Don’t make me wait too long, Branson.
2016 just keeps throwing curve balls our way, so why not take ourselves out of the present, and think for a moment. Thank you and R.I.P. Don Addis for our adapted image.
Playlist Skim:
– Highlighted artist: Raleigh Ritchie a.k.a. hip, hip, hurrah – Jacob Anderson! I am thoroughly enjoying the hype of his sound.
– Watching Miike Snow’s come back has been lush! He’s on tour currently, ahem.
– Throwing it back to Beautiful Girls has sparked my fantasy of quitting my job, moving to Australia, and becoming a surf instructor. 2016 goals? Anyone with me?
– You like eclectic, eh? You’ll like this; listen and think.