New Portals
Like any normal person addicted to social media, the first thing I do every morning (besides hitting snooze a few too many times) is check my email and all of my social media apps. Imagine my delight when I opened Instagram this past Saturday morning (after a “I’m totally not staying out late and will only have, like, 2 drinks” Friday night. You all know how those nights really end up…) and saw a notification that a user by the name of New Portals had bestowed a <3 on one of my photos. Naturally, my interest was piqued, and I decided to do some digging. Next thing I knew, 45 minutes had passed and I realized I was in the throes of yet another accidental spiral into Instagram madness. Oops.
Fortunately, after all of that perusing, I can tell you guys this: New Portals is the new project from adorable Northern Irish husband and wife duo Michael and Ruth Aicken of The Jepettos. Unlike The Jepettos (folksy-pop music), New Portals’ sound is piano driven, indie electro-pop with a catchy disco beat…totally a sound I can get on board with. Though they only have 3 songs on their Soundcloud and Spotify pages, all 3 are alluring, dazzling, and will gently shake you out of any “morning after imbibing in one too many drinks” stupor and get you ready to take on the day.