The 1975 – Chocolate (DWNTWN Cover)
Jamie Leffler’s voice is so ethereal and wispy and beautiful like a pretty scarf from a street cart in India. I just wanna dance around in a field with it flowing around me. Someone should take pics and put ’em on Instagram.
Dwntwn is one of my favorite things to come out of the west coast, and I have been patiently waiting (read: tweeting at them every month) for a new track to pop up so I could get my fix. Patience is rewarded kids!!! Remember that! Chocolate is one of the best songs of the year, and Dwntwn’s cover is a perfectly dreamy interpretation that for some reason just WORKS. SO. WELL.
Wanna get intimate with Dwntwn? First off, download this track for FREE! And then listen to See My Eyes or Stood Me Up on Spotify – awesome songs. Awesome band.
Well well well, look who decided to show up on the blog!
I’m still here! Strong feeling I was forgetting something right before I clicked “Publish.”
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