get inuit

To Get Inuit, or not to Get Inuit?

Unsigned and uncaring, Get Inuit are some fuzzed out dirty guitar poppers (self-proclaimed Dirty Pop, btw… which is fine, but like, what do they have to do with N’Sync..?) from the south east of England, Kent, to be more precise. They get compared to bands like Vampire Weekend, although it’s hard to put a fix on who they sound like. Definitely a nice blend of lots of folks and a refreshing fast paced happy slew of tunes – def priming you up for upcoming nicer weather. One of the band members, Oliver, came up with their name, “Get Inuit” (which I guess is short for Get In To It?) and it made them laugh… and that’s it. They knew from the start it was a bit of a stupid name, but on the flip side, if you type it in to Google, it’s the first thing that comes up… So take that naysayers for dumb names! Also they just played SXSW last week which is pretty cool way for a label to pick you up, I’d guess.

tbh, Feli Says jazz is what’s up for Spring 2K16…

Felipe Macia
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