The Notionaries – Excited Eyes
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June 30, 2015
Hailing mostly from Tornado Alley (not a good start), The Notionaries sing happy songs while bringin’ to mind a similar sounding British youngin’, Saint Raymond (ok, getting better) and his jams “Brighter Days” & “Wildheart” (remember the Notti-teens and the daggering? No? You should re-read it, but whatever, fine; you won’t). The Midwest-born (OKC/Wichita/Denver) quartet formed up early last year and just pumped out an EP (solid album art too). The lads are a high-spirited bunch, living for today, and figuring it out as they go along without any worries #artistslife #imsurprisedtheydontliveinbrooklynyet #nowayOKCcankeepthem #DuranttoNYC
I’d listen. #wwfs